Have you been ARRESTED or contacted by the Police, a Detective, FBI, or CPS?
Have you been ARRESTED or contacted by the Police, a Detective, FBI, or CPS?
The consequences for conviction on domestic battery charges can be severe. Depending on the circumstances of the allegation, it may be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony. If convicted of a misdemeanor, the accused could face up to one year in jail, and a fine of up to $2,000. If the conviction is a felony, the jail sentence will be extended to at least two years, and perhaps as long as four years. The fine can go as high as $6,000. Defendants facing these charges can get the help they need from our experienced Los Angeles domestic battery lawyer.
Saffari Law Group believes in our clients, and we believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. That’s we’ll always fight hard for those we are privileged to represent. From a diligent investigation into the details of a case, to hard-nosed negotiating with the District Attorney’s office, to passionate litigation at trial, defendants will find the kind of lawyer they need in our office.
Call today at 213-460-4922 or reach out here online to set up a free consultation.
Domestic battery is defined as any willful and unlawful use of force or violence against another person who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or someone with whom the accused has had a child, or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.
In other words ,what separates domestic battery from other assault and battery cases, is the nature of the relationship the alleged victim has with the defendant.
Our Los Angeles domestic battery attorney serves clients across the state of California. Call us at 213-460-4922 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free consultation.
There are several legal defenses available to those who are facing domestic battery charges. One of the most common is self-defense, that the defendant needed to take action to protect themselves. This same argument can be invoked if the defendant believed they needed to act to protect another person (i.e., a child) from harm. All self-defense arguments call for showing the jury that there was a reasonable belief of danger and that the defendant’s actions were proportionate to the perceived threat.
Another defense is that the alleged action did not meet the definition for domestic battery under state law. This means proving that the act was not motivated by intent to hurt another person, was not done in a violent manner, and did not cause any physical injury or harm. It might also be argued that the victim’s injuries were an accident, as opposed to intentional conduct.
Each case is unique and what works for one situation might not work for another. Having a Los Angeles domestic violence lawyer that has successfully defended clients at trial can be a great asset for defendants as the best strategy for their case is formulated.